Friday, February 03, 2012

Currently Reading: A Fighting Man Of Mars

Art by Michael Whelan
In the run up to the release of Disney's John Carter on March 9th, I'm reading through the entire Edgar Rice Burroughs 'Barsoom' series, now up to book 7 - A Fighting Man Of Mars. 

From Wikipedia: 
The story is purportedly relayed back to earth via the Gridley Wave, a sort of super radio frequency previously introduced in Tanar of Pellucidar, the third of Burrough's Pellucidar novels, which thus provides a link between the two series. The story-teller is Ulysses Paxton, protagonist of the previous novel, The Master Mind of Mars, but this story is not about him; rather, it is the tale of Tan Hadron of Hastor, a lowly, poor padwar (a low-ranking officer) who is in love with the beautiful, haughty Sanoma Tora, daughter of Tor Hatan, a minor but rich noble. As he is only a padwar, Sanoma spurns him. Then Sanoma Tora is kidnapped, and the novel moves into high gear.

Currently only about a third of the way though, but what I have read so far, I'm enjoying. And I can also say that about the previous six books I've read in the Barsoom series (especially the first three books), and would recommend them to anyone if they enjoy their science fiction.

And according to Wikipedia the copyright for this story has expired in Australia, and thus now resides in the public domain there. The text is available via Project Gutenberg Australia

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