
Wednesday, January 04, 2012

'A Frail Old Man Lost In Space And Time'

"A frail old man lost in space and time. They give him this name because they don't know who he is. He seems not to remember where he has come from; he is suspicious and capable of sudden malignance; he seems to have some undefined enemy; he is searching for something as well as fleeing from something. He has a "machine" which enables them to travel together through time, through space, and through matter."

So say the background notes on The Doctor from the original 1963 Doctor Who series bible. Interesting reading perhaps, when comparing the full set of notes from the original series bible (plus critiques from Sydney Newman) and the current Steve Moffatt / Matt Smith run.

Background Notes
Audience Research Report on the 1963 pilot episode 'Unearthly Child'

Also amongst the notes are the BBC's reports and follow up report on Science Fiction;
BBC 1962 report on Science Fiction
BBC 1962 follow up report on Science Fiction 
BBC 1963 concept notes for new Science Fiction drama

(via TV Writing)

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