
Thursday, March 01, 2012

The Art Of Barsoom

Continuing my look at the various artists inspired by Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom / John Carter series.

This time, it's a look at the art of a few artists; Frank Schoonover (who did the covers for the original A Princess Of Mars and the Gods Of Mars books), Roy Krenkel, Robert Abbett, Rudolph Belarski, Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell.

More art after the jump (click to embiggen).

A Princess Of Mars by Frank E Schoonover
A Princess Of Mars by Frank E Schoonover
The Gods Of Mars by Frank E Schoonover
The Chessmen Of Mars by Roy Krenkel
A Princess Of Mars by Robert Abbett
Thuvia, Maid Of Mars by Robert Abbett
Swords of Mars by Robert Abbett
Llana Of Gathol by Robert Abbett
Synthetic Men Of Mars by Rudolph Belarski
John Carter & Dejah Thoris on Mars by Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell


  1. Nice scans! Just so you know, the illo you have listed as Richard Corben is actually Roy Krenkel.

  2. Cheers for that. Have now updated the caption.
