
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Cool Art: Community / Mass Effect Mash Up by Rus Silmaro

Here's a brilliant mash up on Community and Mass Effect by Rus Silmaro. I think they fit both series really well. Great work, made me laugh!

Here's what Rus had to say about it from his Deviant Art page:
Just a creative expression of two series that have inspired me Mass Effect & Community. All Mass Effect Content belongs to Bioware and all Community content belongs to NBC Universal. Intended to be a fan art tribute. Here is the genesis:

Okay, I was playing Mass Effect 3 (one of my fav game series of all time…despite the last 10 minutes of the ending) last memorial day weekend and as I was playing I noticed how Mordin Solus reminded me a lot of Abed Nadir (one of my fav TV characters of all time from one of my fav shows of all time Community…#sixseasonsandamovie) then how Shepard reminded me a lot about Jeff and so on until I was able to match almost every main character on Community to a character on Mass Effect. I ran the idea by my fiance and my nephew who are both big community fans and they thought it was awesome. I even remembered being awed by all the Community Fan Art Mash ups that I have seen on the net recently ie. Community/Street Fighter, Community/Star Wars, Community/Batman, Community/X-Men and mucho props to all the other creatives that executed those ideas awesomely. At this point the ideas in my head became a train picking up steam and I needed to express it somehow, first I was thinking about sketching, drawing or painting these characters…but with the day job and other projects that would take too long and I needed to satisfy this itch fast, so I found a hi-res screenshot of Mordin then found an image of Abed with a facial expression that matched perfectly and after some creative photoshopping and some filters applied I photoshopped an image of a mash up fan art I entitled "Abed Solus" and applying some of graphic design skills I made this little character poster. 

Check the rest out after the jump.

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