
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Mass Effect SDCC 2012 Panel

Just finished Mass Effect 3 for a fourth time, second as FemShep and first with the new Extended Cut ending, which to be honest was a lot better and tied things up. They should've had it from the beginning though. Still love the game!

Anyway, here's the Bioware/Mass Effect panel at this year's San Diego Comic Con.

Mass Effect: Past, Present, and Future - Developers from Mass Effect offer an exciting look at the evolution of the Mass Effect franchise. Mike Gamble (producer), Corey Gaspur (senior combat designer), Parrish Ley (lead cinematic animator), Sylvia Feketekuty (writer), Chris Hepler (writer), Jessica Merizan (community manager) and Chris Priestly (community specialist) discuss the history of the series, beloved characters, multiplayer gaming and hints at upcoming DLC. Don't forget to bring your emergency induction port!

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