
Friday, August 31, 2012

Movie Review: Total Recall (2012)

Right off the bat, before you even think about watching this, forget about the Schwarzenegger 1990 version of Total Recall, as this 2012 version starring Colin Farrell, aside from the same familiar characters, is more or less the same film in name only.

Yes there are a few nods to the earlier film, the three-breasted woman appears, and there are a few choice lines and situations, but by and large it may as well have been called something else. And probably should've done to stave off unfair comparisons to the original version.

I did read the the original source material before watching this, as I did before watching the film John Carter, but as 'We Can Remember It For You Wholesale', which the film is based on is a short story, as with the 1990 film, a lot of it has been padded out. No mention of aliens though, as is in the book!

As a film though, I really enjoyed it. Director Len Wiseman has cooked up a decent, if maybe slightly generic science fiction film, that for me at least, in parts reminded me a bit of Bladerunner/Minority Report (fitting really, as those were adaptations of Philip K  Dick books as well) as well as the videogame Fallout 3.

The major players did their roles well, and there was enough story and action to keep me entertained throughout.

If you like science fiction films then I would recommend this. But, as with Prometheus earlier in the year, just go in with the expectation of a stand alone film and not a complete remake/reboot of a familiar film/franchise.

***1/2 out of 5

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