
Monday, July 15, 2013

Trailer For Sci Fi / Fantasy Short Film: 'Dust' by Mike Grier

The trailer for this short looks pretty awesome, wish I'd found out about the kickstarter. 'Dust' by Mike Grier was filmed in remote areas of Shikoku, Japan over just 11 days, and was funded on Kickstarter last year.
A deadly new plague linked to a mysterious dust is devastating the countryside around Kabé - the world's oldest city.

Irezúmi is a disgraced Tracker living in the abandoned outskirts of Kabé. Hired by a Merchant of the city's underground medicine trade, he has yet to find a cure to the mysterious Dust that has begun falling on the city.
Little is known about the Dust or the unusual sickness it causes but as it continues to consume the countryside, Kabé is preparing to shut its gates—denying refuge to anyone outside the walls.

With the city verging on lock-down, Irezúmi unwillingly returns to the countryside he abandoned years ago in search of the source.
 For more, visit their website or Facebook.


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