
Monday, September 30, 2013

Mass Effect - Series 3: Episode 15 'Keelah se'lai' & Episode 16 'Defectors'

Continuing with the serialisation of Matt Beaudette's TV show style edit of the Mass Effect trilogy with another double episode of the third chapter of the Mass Effect saga. (If you've not played the games, there be spoilers ahead!)

Episode 15: "Keelah se'lai"
With the Quarian Flotilla still stranded in the Geth controlled Quarian home system, Legion has finally located the Reaper base on Rannoch which broadcasts the signal keeping the Geth under Reaper control.

Episode 16: "Defectors"
With the Rannoch situation dealt with and no current mission, the Normandy crew heads to the Citadel for some much needed R&R. Later, Specialist Traynor tracks down a group of former Cerberus scientists that are being hunted down by The Illusive Man.

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