After 100 years in the making, John Carter (of Mars) will at last hit the big screen, and I for one, can't wait to see it!
The reviews have been generally positive, but the promotional campaign from Disney has been somewhat lacklustre. From changing the name to plain ol' John Carter, the posters and the trailers not really doing a job of selling the film to the non-Barsoom fans!
To the rescue are the fans of the original books, willing the movie to be a success! From blogs like
The John Carter Files,,
JComreader and to the fan art and fan made trailers.
Below is a selection of fan posters, art and trailers, all are much more impressive than the official releases by
More after the jump (click to embiggen).
John Carter 100 by a13xander |
John Carter by leothefox |
John Carter Of Mars by WE Evans |
John Carter by Andy Jones |
John Carter by Damian Jones |
John Carter by Daniel Gaze |
John Carter by Hopko Designs |
John Carter by Janeé Meadows |
John Carter by Stuart |
John Carter of Mars by Andrew Sides |
John Carter of Mars (Uncredited) |
Fan Trailer #1
Fan Trailer #2 'Heritage'
'John Carter of 1912' Fan Trailer
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