Saturday, March 07, 2020

Artist Spotlight: The Art Of . . . Juan Gimenez

Showcasing art from some of my favourite artists in the field of visual arts, including vintage; pulp; pop culture; books and comics; concert posters; fantastical and imaginative realism; classical; contemporary; new contemporary; pop surrealism; conceptual and illustration.

The art of Juan Gimenez.


  1. The Argentinean artist Juan Giménez was one of the greatest in the science fiction field and one of my favourites as well. I'm very sorry that we have lost him to covid-19 last year.

  2. Should of never went to the hospital. Everyone who sued the hospital to release their love ones, survived. One who lost their case a supposed "Q" follower wasn't and died in the hospital. Juan was just another stats for these evil people.
