Monday, January 04, 2021

Graphic Novel Review: 'Conquests' by Sylvain Runberg & François Miville-Deschênes

'Conquests', written by Sylvain Runberg with art by François Miville-Deschênes, is a bandes dessinées (comic), originally published in French as 'Reconquêtes' by Le Lombard in 2011, that follows three three powerful nomadic tribes: the Callipides, the Cimmerians and the Sarmatians, having forged a sacred Scythian alliance, and find themselves on the brink of a new war, against the Hittites.

The four part series begins with the fall of Urar, a city famed for its gold mines, and marks the first in a series of savage clashes between the Hittites and the Scythians. This act of war causes the allied rulers of Scythia; Marak, Kymris and Simmissee, to reinstate the most fearsome army in the known world, 'The Horde Of The Living'.

We're also introduced to Thusia, a mysterious royal scribe from the kingdom of Babylon, sent to record the future triumph of the Scythian alliance over the Hittite armies for their great library. But in order to do so, she must win their trust, but what are her true motives?

This is a really fascinating rendering of historical fiction and myths. Runberg and Miville-Deschênes, take their time to reveal the world; introducing each of the tribes, their rulers and customs, the politics plus the savagery and brutality of war throughout the pages. It makes for a good read, a simple story, that still has its twists and turns, that slowly draws you into the world, without the feel of being rushed by the plot.

The artwork is simply amazing, and is one of the most gorgeous looking comics I've read. Everything from the humans, the beasts, the landscape, and the ferocious and bloody battles, all are beautifully captured by Miville-Deschênes' artwork in a realistic style. It's worth picking this up just for the artwork alone!! However if you're offended by lots of nudity, violence and gore, this may not be the book for you.

Although if you're a fan of 'A Song Of Ice And Fire / Game Of Thrones' and other series of its like, then this series could well be the thing for you - historical fiction with a dose of the fantastical, a mix of politics, manipulation, royalty, action, war, Amazons and Atlanteans, all accompanied with some of the most gorgeous comic art. Definitely a recommended read.

Available at:
and other comic and book stores.

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